4th Chakra - The Heart
Western Anatomy:
The heart is a powerful muscular pump through which the blood flows in a forward direction only. Backflow is prevented by 4 valves which maintain proper circulation. Blood flowing into the heart travels through the body's vast system of veins, pouring first into the right atrium, then the right ventricle, and then passes into the lungs. It's there, in the lungs, that CO2 is deposited and fresh O2 is picked up. From there the blood then travels back into the heart, first into the left atrium, then into the left ventricle, and finally up and out through the aorta where the blood is pumped back out into the arteries of the body.The thymus gland is positioned in the upper chest cavity. It is located above the heart, below the thyroid and between the lungs. The thymus has two lobes, each of which has smaller divisions known as lobules. Interestingly, the thymus grows larger in childhood until it reaches its peak function at puberty at which point it shrinks and turns into fat. Its main function is the production of a hormone that stimulates growth and maturation of T-cells which build the immune system and prevent dangerous infection.
Eastern Energetics:
This chakra governs the thymus, heart, lungs, arms, hands, shoulder blades and the body's circulation. It is the sacred place of free-flowing love, generosity, altruism, healing and compassion. It is here we experience the appreciation of beauty and deeply fulfilling relationships. It is the center-point, the melding and refining place for all of the chakras.East meets West:
The cardiac and circulatory systems are interdependent. Without one the other ceases to function properly. When fully functioning, they keep you alive. This reminds us that we as humans must achieve interdependence with God and others. We need each other. Consider these verses from the Christian Biblical canon:Romans 12:5
So in Christ we who are many are one body, and each member belongs to one another.
1 Corinthians 12:26
If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
In this area of circulation and cardiac activity, flow is essential. Flow is life. The moment that flow pools, or back flows, death ensues. These body systems in conjunction with the energies at play are about forward-moving, continuous flow, keeping things moving and processing.
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