2nd Chakra - Sacral
Western Anatomy:
Essentially, this chakra is located on the spinal cord of the vertebral column just above the pubic bone and below the navel and encompasses the genital region and hypogastric plexus.
The sacrum is a large wedge shaped vertebra at the base of the spine, just above the coccyx. It forms the solid base of the spinal column where it intersects with the hip bones to form the pelvis. The sacrum is a very strong bone that supports the weight of the upper body. Developmentally, the sacrum forms from five individual vertebrae that start to join during late adolescence and early adulthood to form a single bone by around the age of thirty.
At birth, the coccyx begins as a mass of cartilage attached to the end of the sacrum. Slowly, over time, this cartilage ossifies as individual bones. Each bone ossifies in order from superior to inferior until all are ossified by the end of puberty. The individual bones also fuse together to form a single coccyx throughout adulthood. In addition to its role in muscle attachment, the coccyx also plays an important role in support of the spinal cord, support of the body (especially while sitting), and in childbirth.
The male perineum includes the penis, scrotum, and the perineal muscles in the urogenital triangle, along with the anal triangle, which together form a diamond shape when the legs are abducted. The female perineum includes the external genitalia, orifices of the urethra and vagina, and the perineal muscles, which also makes a diamond shape.
Eastern Energetics:
Because this chakra is connected with the sense of taste and reproduction it is known as the chakra of creativity. When balanced, this chakra leads to feelings of wellness, abundance, pleasure and joy. When out of balance, one may experience emotional instability, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, depression or addictions.
East meets West:
The sacrum bone translates from the original Latin as "sacred bone" and from the old English "holy bone". What makes this bone sacred? This is where Kundalini sleeps. This is where the powers of procreation are contained. This is where babies crown, where creation happens. This is the seat for physical reproduction, and it's metaphysical counterpart, spiritual reproduction.