Ayruveda is a Sanskrit word that means "science of life". Having been in existence for over 5,000 years, this ancient healing system of India is immense in scope and application. To call it a "personality test" would be far too limiting and misleading, but there are similarities. In this Vedic science there are three main life forces, as evidenced by the elements: Air, Fire and Earth/Water. Human beings enter life with one dominant of these life forces, or Doshas. The three Doshas, with their corresponding elements are:
VATA - Air, wind, space
PITTA- Fire, bile
KAPHA- Water, Earth, phlegm
There are four factors that determine your dominant Dosha, or life force:
1. Intention during incarnation
2. Temperament of the sperm
3. Temperament of the ovum
4. God's wisdom
Even though we typically have one dominant dosha, it's quite possible that you are more than one dosha. Ultimately, there are seven different combinations of doshas that make up the human race. One dominant dosha, dual-doshas, or tri-doshas. It's important to note that you can't change your dosha. If you're a VATA pining to be a KAPHA, you're missing the essence of Ayruveda. It's not about changing ourselves into the person we'd rather be. It's much more about discovering who we already are, correcting any imbalances, and achieving liberation of mind, body and soul.